
How Is An Animal Classified As A Ruminant

Introduction to Rumination

Cattle, sheep, deer, and similar animals are classified as ruminant animals. As a grouping, ruminants share the characteristics that they are hooved mammals, with an even number of toes, that regurgitate and re-chew their feed. This cud chewing or rumination process is the characteristic that gives the grouping its proper noun. The rumination process allows these animals to swallow forages and other loftier fiber feeds that are non exist able to be eaten past humans and other non-ruminant animals.

Ruminants take a 4-chambered stomach, consisting of the reticulum, rumen, omasum and abomasum. Ruminants typically eat speedily with minimal chewing. Later on existence swallowed, feed enters the reticulum, which is continuous with the rumen. The rumen is the largest of the four stomach chambers and serves as a big mixing vat that is the site of microbial fermentation and nutrient assimilation. Combined, the rumen and reticulum of an developed dairy cow can hold around l gallons of partially digested feed.

During rumination, the cud (partially digested feed) is regurgitated, re-chewed, and re-swallowed. Chewing during rumination is slower and more consistent than during eating. The rumination process stimulates saliva product to assist buffer the rumen pH and decrease feed particle size, allowing information technology to pass from the reticulum into the omasum. Every bit partially digested feed passes through the omasum, water is absorbed, reducing the volume of cloth that arrives in the abomasum. The abomasum, often referred to equally the true stomach, produces acid and digestive enzymes similar to the stomach of non-ruminant animals, farther breaking down the feed before It passes into the lower gastrointestinal tract for further digestion, absorption and ultimately elimination.

The amount of fourth dimension an animal spends ruminating is affected by species, brood, physical and chemic characteristics of the nutrition, health condition, feed intake, and production level. Approximately a 3rd of the variation in rumination time in dairy cattle has been shown to be related to feed intake, primarily two main nutrition components which are NDF and starch.

Rumination tin can occur anytime throughout the day but tends to follow a daily pattern, with cattle spending a greater proportion of time ruminating at night and following feeding periods. Rumination is more than probable to occur when cows are lying downwardly, making information technology important to ensure that dairy cows take adequate, comfy infinite. A dairy cow in a conventional The states dairy will on average spend between seven to viii hours ruminating per twenty-four hour period. Rumination fourth dimension is broken up into several individual bouts throughout the solar day with each bout lasting from a few minutes to over an hour. An individual bolus or cud will be chewed for 30 to 70 seconds before being swallowed.

Monitoring Rumination

Dairy producers, animal nutritionists and veterinarians have long recognized the importance of rumination as an indicator of dairy cattle health and performance. Traditionally, visual observation of rumination activity was the but on-farm pick available to appraise rumen health. For case, threescore% or more of the herd observed ruminating at any fourth dimension is considered an indicator of healthy rumen function beyond the herd. However, this method can be time consuming and but allows an assessment at a population level, while individual fauna rumination data help producers to promptly identify specific animals that may need attention. Furthermore, this method is subject field to discrepancies between observers and the time of the twenty-four hour period that observers perform the cess. Rumination is afflicted by daily practices on the farm, such every bit feeding, and the fourth dimension during the day (due east.k., day vs night). For these reasons, although visual observations of cattle to assess rumination activity could be a good estimation of moo-cow comfort and health at a population level, this method may non provide an accurate representation of individual cow rumination.

Currently, several companies produce commercially available rumination monitoring systems. These rumination sensors are usually integrated into activity monitor devices, eartags or neck collars that are used to aid in the reproductive direction on the dairy. For systems commonly used in the Us, these devices use either accelerometers to measure small changes in animal position and move to determine rumination time or audio-visual systems that record chewing beliefs. Though less common, some rumination monitoring systems use a bolus placed in the rumen of the animal or a pressure sensor located on a noseband. Many of the systems available are capable of distinguishing eating behavior from rumination behavior and, in addition to rumination time, some will also report eating time.

Regardless of where the sensor is positioned on the animal or the animal housing system on the farm (freestall, tie-stall, grazing), these tags have been shown to be effective in monitoring rumination behavior. Numerous contained inquiry studies have validated the accuracy and precision of the major systems on the market, with universities increasingly using the engineering science as a tool to measure rumination time in enquiry studies.

Practical Applications of Rumination Monitoring Applied science

With the increasing availability of commercial rumination monitoring systems in recent years, at that place has been a corresponding increment in research looking at the human relationship between rumination and a wide diverseness of health atmospheric condition, ecology factors, nutrition and management. Much of this research is focused on using rumination as an indicator of changes in animal performance and welfare.

Each herd and each individual animal within a herd will have its own rumination pattern based on factors such as diet, stage of production, and other factors mentioned previously in this commodity (Figure i). If cows at Subcontract A boilerplate 513 minutes of rumination per 24-hour interval while cows at Farm B average 470 minutes of rumination per twenty-four hours, it should not be causeless that cows at Farm A are healthier or are raised nether amend conditions than cows at Farm B (Figures 2A and 2B). Similarly, if Cow 2340 at Farm A averages 600 minutes of rumination per day and Cow 2450 at the same farm averages 475 minutes of rumination, it should not be assumed that Cow 2340 is in better health than Moo-cow 2450. Comparisons in rumination activity should non be made across farms, especially when unlike sensors are being used on the farms. Comparisons of rumination activity between cows of the same breed and historic period within a herd should only exist made between animals at similar stages of production. Rumination activity is near meaningful when comparing an private animal to her own baseline rumination design or when comparing an private herd to the herd's baseline rumination pattern.

Effigy ane. Average daily rumination time for mid-lactation cows (90-220 DIM on April 30 Test engagement). Based on Apr 30 milk test date, cows were divided into High (120 lbs milk, 153 DIM, 534 minutes rumination (north=xix)), Medium (97 lbs milk, 162 DIM, 529 minutes rumination (n=eighteen)), and Low (71 lbs milk, 159 DIM, 517 minutes of rumination (n=8)) product groups.

Figure 2A. Daily rumination fourth dimension varies within a herd. Each point represents an individual cow boilerplate rumination fourth dimension per day is 513 minutes.

Figure 2B. Daily rumination time varies within a herd. Each point represents an individual cow, average rumination time per solar day is 470 minutes.

Parturition and Transition Moo-cow Health

The transition period of a dairy cow, often divers as the period from iii weeks earlier until 3 weeks afterwards calving, is a challenging time for the health and performance of the dairy cow. Metabolic and reproductive health issues associated with the transition period, including displaced abomasum, ketosis, and retained placenta, are common causes for early removal of cows from the herd. Data from the USDA has shown that approximately 20% of dairy cows will leave the herd inside the start 50 days post-calving.

Several inquiry studies have evaluated the employ of data from activity and rumination monitoring systems as tools to monitor wellness status of cows effectually the transition catamenia with the goal of early on detection and prevention of transition cow health issues. These studies have consistently shown that rumination time was lower during the pre-calving period for cows that would develop a health event (stillbirths, retained placenta, displaced abomasum, ketosis, metritis) during or subsequently calving compared with cows that would not experience health events during this time. Equally an example, one study showed that for cows that had displaced abomasum early after calving, the rumination fourth dimension began to subtract as early as twelve days pre-calving equally compared to cows that would non experience a wellness outcome postal service-calving.

A case study conducted on a Pennsylvania dairy ( Using Activity Systems to Monitor Dry and Transition Cows ), showed observation data that suggested that activity and rumination data during the pre-calving period could potentially be used as a tool to help farmers detecting cows that might be at a college risk of having a health event effectually calving or leaving the herd prematurely. This early alert could provide farmers with an opportunity to implement best management strategies for these at-risk animals, assuasive them to cope improve with the transition period challenges, and therefore, decrease the take chances of these animals to develop health events or leave the herd prematurely.

Fifty-fifty though lower average rumination time in cows pre-calving has been associated with potential health problems post-calving, almost all cows will experience a sharp subtract in rumination time immediately before calving. This sharp decrease in rumination fourth dimension typically begins about 6 hours pre-calving and is associated with a decreased eating time and decreased dry affair intake. This sharp reject in rumination time could potentially be used as an indication of calving.

Heat Stress

Temperature Humidity Index (THI) combines air temperature and relative humidity to calculate an alphabetize value to better represent the ecology conditions a cow or other animal feels and is used to make up one's mind when animals are in a heat stressed environment. A THI value of 68 is generally accepted to exist the threshold value for mild rut stress in dairy cattle. In an earlier paper ( Using Rumination Sensors to Monitor Estrus Stress in Dairy Cows ), the writer suggests that daily rumination time decreased by six minutes per day for every i THI unit of measurement increase over 60 for high producing Holstein cows housed in a necktie-stall barn in southeast Pennsylvania. A German study found that rumination minutes per day for cows housed in a naturally ventilated freestall barn began to decrease when THI exceeded 52.

These studies and others bespeak that cows may begin to experience oestrus stress well before THI reaches 68. Higher producing, later lactation and older animals may be more sensitive to high THI than other cows. Other management practices, such equally blazon of housing, ration and availability to water, will also likely influence when cows in a particular environment begin to feel heat stress. Access to data from rumination monitoring applied science on farms may assist producers to identify heat stress at the population level and implement direction changes before milk product or reproduction are negatively impacted.

Estrus Detection

The amount of time a cow spends ruminating each day has been shown to decrease from baseline levels around estrus. Rumination time begins to decrease the twenty-four hour period before heat, hitting a minimum level on the day of rut. On the solar day before and mean solar day of rut, cows can ruminate more than than an hour less per day compared to baseline rumination levels. Rumination will return to baseline levels by the solar day afterwards heat. When paired with activity data, the decrease in rumination can be used to assist ameliorate identify the optimum convenance time.


Proper rumen function is primal to the health and productivity of dairy cattle, with gradual or precipitous changes in rumination existence possible indication of wellness events. The availability of rumination monitoring technology and inquiry focusing on its on-farm applications has grown apace over the past several years. At this fourth dimension, changes in rumination pattern cannot be used to diagnose a specific affliction but tin can be used as a general indicator of a change in wellness status or comfort that merits farther investigation. No thing how good this or any other technology becomes, it is important to call up that it is only a tool to help guide the decision-making on farms and should not be seen equally something that can completely replace the knowledge and skills of dairy producers, dairy nutritionists, and veterinarians.


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